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How it works

Upscale Your Business With EnvMart

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Let’s Build & Grow Together!

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Create catalog of your products

Our AI enabled system creates listing in seconds

seller envmart online
Get orders from crores of customers

Don’t worry EnvMart will take care of the logistics

Common Questions

Order Related

How can I process the order?
  • Go to the order tab > click on Confirmed order > Click on Process the order
  • You will find your all new orders in the confirmed order section. Click on the process option and process the order.
  • You can process the order in bulk. Click on the check box and select all the confirmed orders, the process button will get activated on the right side of the bottom corner.
Can I edit or reschedule the pickup?
  • Change the order processing date at the time of processing the order. Click on the process order tab, and you will see the default pick-up date in the calendar. You can choose the new date in the calendar and click on the Process button.
  • Please note you can change the pickup date only one time. You can either change the one day before or a day after the date set by the Envmart team.
What is the Confirmed Orders Section?

Confirmed orders sections show all the new orders.

What is the Cancellation Tab?
  • Here, you can find your all canceled orders from both sides either your side or the buyer’s side.
  • Seller canceled order: When you cancel the order, it is shown in the order cancellations tab.

Listing and Catalog

What is listing?

Listing a product refers to filling out all the mandatory & necessary information and adding images of the product so that a customer can make a good buying decision.

How can I add a product on

We will give you step-by-stepon how to list the products on our website. It is very important to choose the right category for a better customer buying experience. Based on the category you choose, you'll be asked to choose sub-categories and sub-categories.

Payment Related

How can I check my payment?
  • Go to the payment section > Click on pending payment > Click on Invoice
  • You can search the payment details by typing the invoice number in the search bar.
How can I check my GST report, Debit Note, and another report?
  • Click on Payment tab > Click on GST report or Click on the Debit note
  • When our accounting team raises the GST or Debit note, the report will be available here.
What will be the payment cycle?

The payment cycle depends on the agreement between the seller and Envmart.

Returns & protection

Is there any protection for the supplier?

Envmarthas set up a supplier protection fund to protect our sellers against fraud. You can request for SPF claim through the supplier dashboard. When the buyer or logistics partner is at fault, you will receive a lump sum compensation.

Will I get compensation if my goods are damaged or lost during the transit?

Yes. When your products are damaged in transit, you can raise a claim under the Supplier Protection Fund. The compensation depends on our internal team’s validation.

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